Song of Songs – What Is Love?
What is love?
One look at our culture can certainly bring discouragement. People embrace and reject one another even before marriage in a self-centered frenzy to find the one that makes them feel good about themselves. Those who venture into married waters soon drown in the tide of selfish pursuits, leaving divorce statistics that stagger the mind—and heart. What does real love look like, anyway?
The Song of Solomon gives us a glimpse. A story of love from beginning to end, it takes us on the journey of one couple who has eyes for no other. Through courtship consummated in marriage, their story of passion and pleasure in each other awakens a suppressed hope in us. We ask – Can any such love really last?
In Christ it does. While earthly relationships struggle under the weight of sin, our divinely appointed Wedding Day with Jesus promises endless bliss. Solomon’s song sings of a greater love than any other we find here on earth. It points to Christ’s pursuit of His people, the church—His bride. As a faithful groom, He is planning and preparing a place for us to be with Him forever. And He has set His gaze on us. No one and nothing can come between us and His declared love. For the time being, He provides, protects, nourishes, and clothes us with His beauty. And when He returns, He will consummate our union with Him in the bonds of heaven that can never be broken.
We have a love like Solomon’s song, and it’s in the One who declared His passion through His life’s sacrifice on the cross. This unique Bible book sets us free from our endless pursuit to find lasting passion here on earth. Instead, we turn our gaze back to the One who truly loves and holds us close, and we find our soul-mate, our total satisfaction in Him.
Isaiah's Warnings
What is true love? Do you have true love? Read 1 John 4:16.
What does Jesus say about love? Read John 13:34-35. John 15:9.
Do you know that Jesus loves you? Read John 3:16.
What are the attibutes of love? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.