Ancient Heroes Checklist
What Packs Have You Collected?
Pack 1 – Abram of Ur, Sarah, Abram’s Great Lie, God’s Promise to Abraham, Abram and Lot, Hagar, Abram’s Three Visitors, Abraham’s Test
Pack 2 – Lot’s Rescue, Moses in the Bulrushes, Moses in Pharaoh’s Palace, Moses and the Burning Bush, Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron Challenge Pharaoh, Red Sea Crossing, Miriam
Pack 3 – Moses and the Ten Commandments, Brazen Serpent, Gideon’s Call, Gideon Destroys the Altar of Baal, Gideon’s Fleece, Gideon’s Army, Gideon Spies, Gideon Victorious
Pack 4 – Deborah, Woman of Flame, Deborah and Barak, Jael, Samuel Anoints David, King Saul, Prince Johnathan, Goliath of Gath, David and the Sword of Goliath
Pack 5 – David in the Cave, Abigail and Nabal, David Dances, Bathsheba, Elijah, Ahab and Jezebel, Elijah Calls Down Fire, Elijah Runs with Ahab
Pack 6 – God’s Gentle Whisper, Widow of Zarephath, Elisha Chosen, Elijah Parts the Jordan, Elijah’s Fiery Ride, Checklist, Warfare, The Journey