Nahum – God’s Power

Keep your feasts! God cried out to His people—a curious command considering their current predicament. Judah lay humiliated and defeated by Assyria, arch enemy of God and stench to the neighboring nations. Judah’s people lay hostage to her heathen oppression, an unruly people immersed in idolatry, materialism, and a constant greed for expansion and exploitation. Under Assyrian rule, Judah’s hope had all but vanished. But Nahum’s virulent indictment and God-ordained judgment against her evil deeds rekindled belief in God’s goodness.

They would celebrate. God promised to send salvation through a foreign nation who would dominate Judah’s Assyrian foes. All the evils Nineveh perpetrated would be paid for by her own blood as God poured out His justice and wrath at last on this evil empire. God had promised it. It was as good as done. So let the feasting begin!

Nahum’s dark message of condemnation actually bears a powerful picture of hope for God’s people. Even when surrounded by the seemingly worst possible situations, God sees our pain and overflows with compassion for His people. His patience is not weakness, but rather perfect timing for the best revelation of His glory and our oneness with Him.

Like Judah, believers must live a life of celebration, a joyful anticipation of all God has in store. In fact, our measure of joy—even in a difficult life—reveals the depth of our belief that God will prove faithful to His promise. With the prospect of heaven and eternal life with Jesus in perfection, why let the worries of this world weigh down our souls? With eyes lifted up to the One who triumphs over sin and sets our feet on solid ground, let believers live out lives of joy and peace no matter what this life holds. We know one day is coming when every tear will be erased, every broken relationship mended, and every person will know the pleasure of pure intimacy with God and His people. Let the celebration begin!

Sending Others To Make A Change

What does Nahum say about God? Read Nahum Nahum 1:3, Nahum 1:7, and Nahum 2:2.

What city was Nahum speaking God’s warnings?

How does Nahum’s message about God encourage you?

What have you learned about God’s patience?