Jeremiah – His Broken Heart
“I do not know how to speak; I am too young!” Jeremiah protested.
And no wonder. Instead of enjoying the passing pleasures that all his comrades pursued, God had called him to stand apart from the crowd. He had a message for His people that He had hand-picked Jeremiah to preach.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations,” God answered.
Jeremiah’s future was determined even before his first day on earth. But do not be afraid, God comforted. God Himself would fill Jeremiah’s mouth with His own words of warning, of harsh judgment against His people for their rebellion and sin.
It wasn’t the kind of message that makes young men popular. But Jeremiah had a choice: side with the One true God, giving up his life in exchange or rebel like everyone else and follow them to their destined destruction. It wasn’t easy, but Jeremiah knew that the point of his life was to know God and make Him known. So he became the one man in Judah who told the truth: God’s judgment was coming against His own people because of their rebellion. Captivity and exile awaited them all. The horror of his own message tore at the prophet’s heart. Weeping over all that was lost—and what they still stood to lose—earned him the title “the weeping prophet.” Jeremiah’s heart broke over the sin that separated his people from the One who wanted so deeply to be with them.
Like shafts of light through dark storm clouds, Jeremiah’s message also shone words of hope. After years of captivity, God would raise up foreign kings who would allow Israel’s remaining children to return home. They would once again rebuild the temple and city walls, and hope would return. More than that, one day an eternal Savior would come to permanently seal the gap between God and His people. Through their pain, they would recognize the surpassing pleasure of union with God, of being His people.
Crying Out to the One
What did God reveal through Jeremiah about Jesus? Read Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:6.
What was Jeremiah’s warning to the Israelites? Read Jeremiah 2-4.
What does God say to Jeremiah about His plans for him and for us? Read Jeremiah 29:11-13.
Are you trusting the Lord with His plans for you?