Revelation – Jesus is Coming Back
Imagine discovering a secret zipper that stretched across the sky. Dragging it across, the world we know peels back to either side, revealing a heavenly drama behind it playing out in spectacular glory. Suddenly, you realize the shallow depth of your former understanding. The physical world you’ve always known now seems two-dimensional compared to the deeper, eternal realities that lie beyond…like waking up from a dream, not sure which realm is more real.
God gave the apostle John access to that other realm, peeling back the constraints of time and place to allow John to witness the events unfolding in the heavenly places.
It began with a voice, booming from behind him. “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches,” God commanded. Then suddenly, John saw the voice’s source. *[Jesus stood among the lampstands, but not in the humble form John had come to know in Christ’s ministry on earth. Here the Son of God stood in a long robe with golden sash, hair flowing white as snow, eyes blazing like fire, feet as burnished bronze. Holding seven stars in one hand, a sharp, double-edged sword jutted from his mouth while His face glowed brighter than the sun.]
No wonder John fell at His feet as though dead. This supernatural, awesome, powerful picture of Jesus Christ in Revelation didn’t match His merely human form. But God was giving John a glimpse into His true glory. And He wanted to make sure the churches back home saw it, too.
The rest of Revelation contained specific messages to those churches, urging them to continue in the truth and to guard against the false prophets and teachings that were sure to come. Loyal, faithful obedience to the Lamb would lead them to eternal victory over sin and death. But beware! Their enemy, Satan, had been working diligently through the ages, as well, seeking to destroy God’s people through deception and distraction. Believers must train themselves in the truth in order to detect his divisive schemes and combat his tactics with the full force of God’s Word and Spirit.
In the end, only the Spotless Lamb, the chosen One, was found worthy to open the final scroll ushering in the end of the age. Jesus arrived triumphant, silencing evil forever with the simple breath of His mouth. Every knee bowed in His honor as He judged His enemies and rescued His own to live forever with Him in never-ending peace and perfection.
Revelation reveals the believer’s ultimate hope. Christ is our hero, our shining knight who has—and will—come to save His bride. It’s the ultimate, happy ending for the earthly chapter of God’s faithfulness on earth, and the epic prologue to our new life in Paradise.
Start AgainDo you believe Jesus is coming back again?
Will you be ready?