Ephesians – Growing in Your Faith


The goddess Artemis stretched tall and immense at the heart of Ephesus. Surrounded by a temple so impressive, it lured literally tens of thousands of people from all over Asia to see the beauty and worship her stone cold statue. With a culture so devoted to, funded by, and centered around idol worship, what chance did Paul possibly have to penetrate Satan’s stronghold?

With man, it was impossible. But with God, Paul had all the power in the universe on his side. Through his missionary journeys, Paul preached about the One true God, the One who actually could hear, care, and respond to people unlike Artemis. In time, many Ephesians found new faith in God, burning valuable scrolls of incantations and magic to show their change of allegiance. The silversmiths who made the religious relics and idols even fought Paul to recover their suddenly floundering business.

After spending three years in Ephesus, Paul went to Rome where he wrote the church in Ephesus a letter explaining their new position in Christ even further. Overflowing with gratitude toward God for His goodness, he told the Ephesians that their faith in Christ had placed them in God’s family. They were no longer orphaned worshipers as they were when they served Artemis. In stark contrast, God’s followers form one, living body who actively work together in obedience to the head, Jesus Christ. All the old issues that used to divide them—race, gender, status, age—have been unified under Christ’s singular command to love God and His people.

Through Ephesians, believers today get the best glimpse into what belonging to Christ really means. Adopted into God’s family and filled with His Spirit, we are never the same. We no longer live for ourselves, but seek to serve our brothers and sisters in the grand effort to reveal God’s glory through our love and unity. But just as Satan sought to deceive the Ephesians through idol worship, so he seeks to distract believers today through factions and divisions. Paul reminded us of the spiritual armor God provides to equip his church for the inevitable fight so that we may stand strong together in the truth.

Next to the Philippians

Who was Artemis and why was Demetrius upset? Read Acts 19:23-41.

What was Paul’s purpose in writing Ephesians?

Where was Paul when he wrote to the Ephesians? Read Ephesians 3:1, 4:11.

Who is Tychicus? Read Ephesians 6:21.

How has your faith grown since following Jesus?